Friday, February 15, 2008

Day 1

We made it safely to Gulfport! So far the weather has cooperated with us, it was about 70 degrees today with a bit of wind so no bugs!! Last night (Thursday) was chilly but we stayed warm thanks to the 90db heaters. They kept us toasty. It seems a bit warmer tonight.

This is the biggest and the most diverse team we have taken to the Gulf Coast in our three trips. Our team includes young members and not so young members, people who have attended IPC for many years and some newer faces, even one who came from New York to spend the week with us. This is a fabulous group. Already they have impressed the camp director and the job site manager with their willing spirit, cheerful servant attitude, flexibility, and productivity. What a great group!

Our group of 27 was broken up into teams and sent to different sites today after our orientation meeting. One group is working on installing windows and interior painting, another is rebuilding a pump house and repairing a leaking roof and the results of the rainwater pooling in the insulation and drywall. A third team spent the day removing siding and preparing studs for insulation and drywall. Another group worked on a tiling project. All of the groups worked hard at the physical work and yet were able to take time to talk with the residents who were home.

It is striking how important it is to talk about the effects the storm has had. Over and over we are reminded that for the people who are facing rebuilding, Hurricane Katrina is not a quickly passing event. We were reminded that the minor work we can do is like a grain of sand on a beach. Still, that one grain of sand... those 27 grains of sand are important. That whole beach is made up of tiny grains of sand and each one contributes to the whole. We are making a difference here already, and so are those of you who have supported us through donations, assistance and prayer. On behalf of the team I thank you.

Theresa Shipe

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